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Labels: free image hosting
A Teacher's Toolbox is the companion of Both showcase: recent educational resources that have been added to the site, my ICT work with teachers and students, free reading games, free maths games, free educational software and much, much more. Feel free to check it out and if you know people who can use this stuff, send it on :) Be SURE to check out MY ARCHIVE - Heaps of GREAT STUFF there!
Labels: free image hosting
Labels: free software, word to pdf
I've been experimenting with blogging on the classroom for about 5 months now and one of my biggest frustrations has been not being able to find a one stop shop for all things blogging. So I'm building it. Feel free to offer any input.
There are many ways to say 'said'. Tonight I've put together a collection of writing activities/ideas to help children to rise above the mundane use of 'said'. On to the Writing Tips!
About 6 months ago I was avoiding some of my work by reading a book on time management. hehehehe. One of the strategies the book suggested to help avoid procrastinating was to make the activity 'a little more enjoyable'. I've found that writing reports, programming or annotating writing samples is a little easier to face with a bit of music on in the background.
In my role as ICT Integration Guy, I get to work with some teachers who are truly 'switch on'.
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Teachers are sometimes told, 'Don't smile at a new class until Easter'. This has the effect that students often see their new teachers as cold hearted machines who want nothing but to inflict pain and suffering upon their students :) So... just between you and me... (& don't you dare let my reputation slip) ;) I would be a Ferro Rocher chocolate served ice cold straight from the fridge but preferably even colder from the freezer. Why? I hear you ask. Well... firstly you have to peel off the outer layer. This layer appears to be gold but in essence is only cheap tin foil. You are then confronted by a cold bumpy mass that is prickly to touch and would be a complete nightmare to try and swallow whole. :) Once you get over your initial disgust, and you begin to devour my essence, you will savor for a lifetime the sweet sensations I offer you. Then within seconds (which may seem like a lifetime for some) of experiencing my delights, you will find a centre that is warm, pleasant and leaves you wanting another one and then another and then another. signed - The Dark One of Adria PS ... and too much of me will make you really, really sick :) Hint - Don't believe anything you could read on the Internet it's all lies & propaganda? |
Labels: thinking skills
Labels: anatomy, game, science education