Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Free Phonics Posters

A HUGE thank you has to go out to Katie in the UK. She is currently on maternity leave from teaching but has put together eight new phonics posters for me to upload to my website so the world can share them :)

I am currently writing half yearly reports so I'm just uploading one poster tonight and then MUST get back to writing reports...I'm sure you know the drill.

The other thing that I have to thank Katie for is that I've wanted to include a motivational quote on the posters for the struggling reader and now I've got off my butt and done it.

NB If you have any tried and true motivational quotes in relation to decoding or reading feel free to send them through to me as I've got 7 more of Katy's posters to upload :)



Monday, May 21, 2007

Science Education on the Internet

The Internet is filled with fantastic Science Education sites. Get your students out there exploring and reporting back to their peers about what they find. Then foster a sense of community by having them blog their rfindings. This puts their ideas out there for the world to comment on.

NB I've added a few of my favourite Science websites and some tips and tricks that I've discovered over the last few years of setting this task. Check it all out at my Online Science Education page.




CAD Software

On my 3d animation page I've just added a link to a piece of fantastic free piece of Computer Aided Design software called Google Sketchup. This software enables everyone to produce 3d models of houses, gardens, rooms and objects simply. This is a great tool to support Science and Technology lessons as well as Design and Technology and could also be integrated in creative ways to Art, English and Maths.

Once you get the hang of creating models you can animate them and even upload them to Google Earth or to a 3d warehouse for others to view and download.

Google Sketchup has been a great hit with my students and I'm sure yours will enjoy it as well.


Adrian B

Illustration Software - Corel? Adobe? Na... Inkscape

Inkscape is a free piece of illustration software that is a nice stepping stone to the more professional packages like Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator.

In my experience, children do not need to be dropped into the deep end of top end packages as the use they make of the software can't really justify the cost.

I use Inkscape for teaching cartooning with my students. The 'calligraphic tool' is fantastic for getting a nice feel to the lines you create.

Download the software through my Illustration Software page and read some of my 'Tips and Tricks' for using it while you are there.



PS The next version of Inkscape is going to have a 'Paint Bucket Tool' which will be a welcome addition.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why Blog With Students

As a result of my frustration of not being able to find a 'one stop shop' for the teacher wishing to embark on the, 'blogging in the classroom' adventure, I'm slowly (might I add very slowly) building the site.

Today I was looking at why we should blog with students and came across this video.

It includes a few of the ideas that I see as central and I've added a few of my ideas as boring old text to my webpage... Why Blog With Students.

I know I'll be adding more to this site... and probably taking a few things away once morning comes ;)



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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Students as Comedians

Studying word play can be heaps of fun when you get the students to write and perform their own scripts. On my Funny Jokes Comedy Skit page I've included the task brief plus a few tips and tricks for keeping it tasteful ;) NB these are tips that I've learnt by doing this activity with 5 different classes.

This is a great task to help you stay sane towards the end of term when you're getting a little stressed.


Adrian B

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Last Comic Strip... I promise

I was working with another class today who loved the idea of creating their own online comic strips. Here is my demonstration of PUN... I will drop in their URL of the kids' work when a few more of them get their really lame jokes to their blog accounts.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Comic Strip Creation

Once I get the students to find the 'lamest' joke that they can I then set them the task of finding a joke that will make an adult laugh ie me :)

They still must be comfortable telling this joke to the principal and their parents :) This condition tends to keep the humour above the navel. hehehe

The growth of a child's sense of humour is something that I love to watch, foster and corrupt just a litte.

Adrian B

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bloggers' Choice Awards

Hi there world.

Yesterday I entered my blog into the Bloggers' Choice Awards to raise the profile of the work I do on the Internet to save people a little time:)

If you use the resources from my website or keep track of my website updates via my blog, feel free to cast a vote my way if you deem the site worthy.

Today I'm on the 2nd page of the Best Educational Blog section.

Thanks a Heap

Adrian B


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Secret Codes

Kids love secret codes and I am always amazed by how much they get into cryptography activities.

Check out some of my ideas for investigating Secret Codes in class :)

Soma Cubes - Another Puzzle for Your Classroom

Soma cubes are excellent puzzles for classroom use. Make some and get some problem solving happening in your classroom, home and school.

