Free Phonics Posters

A HUGE thank you has to go out to Katie in the UK. She is currently on maternity leave from teaching but has put together eight new phonics posters for me to upload to my website so the world can share them :)
I am currently writing half yearly reports so I'm just uploading one poster tonight and then MUST get back to writing reports...I'm sure you know the drill.
The other thing that I have to thank Katie for is that I've wanted to include a motivational quote on the posters for the struggling reader and now I've got off my butt and done it.
NB If you have any tried and true motivational quotes in relation to decoding or reading feel free to send them through to me as I've got 7 more of Katy's posters to upload :)

Just luuuv the amendments - hope everyone finds the posters useful :O), Katie, UK
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