Reading Games - A New Inferface

Over the years my reading games site has grown to be rather large but I must admit I have concentrated on creating content rather than spending a little time on navigation.
I've added a search function - links to all other sections of the website - the ability to buy me a beer or 17 for a job well done - shortcuts to tag the site on social bookmarking sites - links to my blog - My Amazon Wishlist (a big thankyou to the person who is sending me David Warlick's book on Classroom Blogging) - the ability to join my newsletter group - and the 'tell a friend' applet.
Over the next week I plan to work on a 'Comprehension Strategy' section to the site and a 'Recommended Books' section. I believe that phonics is only one part of a very good reading program so I'm looking at expanding the site in that direction.
Labels: reading games, reading resources