My Life as an 'ICT Guru' :)

In 2006 did 8 keynote presentations to around 2000 Kiwi teachers which was a fantastic experience. I also had the opportunity to head off to Seoul South Korea to chat with educational ICT gurus of from all over the world.
A couple of months ago I flew to Melbourne (circa 2000 kms from home) and had dinner with Gary Stager and the NECC keynote speaker Michael Furdyk. Just sitting at the same table as these guys was an honour as I've been following there work for a number of years.

Needless to say a good year was had on the professional front. Tomorrow I'm doing a presentation to the staff of 5 'local' schools (Ok it is Australia so local means c. 2hours drive to a central town) where I will do a motivational presentation that will outline just some of the possibilities that ICT offers the classroom teacher.
I will then set them the task of leaving a comment on this blog about what they thought of the presentation. Should be an interesting exercise as most teachers tend to hate filling in evaluations at the end of workshops :)
PS There are no ICT Gurus in Education... just Us ;)
Hi Adrian
I have in the past been vehemently opposed to those who give me the label ICT Guru - there is so much to learn & noone person can be the font of all knowledge. But on many occaisions when i am working with others & trying to explain something that is second nature to me I have to do a double take & think yep I am an 'expert' i guess that is really a relative term depends who you are having dinner with huh?
It was really good to meet you in NZ last year (Wanganui)hope to see you back over here again one day :-)
Hi Adrian
thanks for sharing your ideas this morning. Can't wait to utilise some of your ideas in my class this year.
Hi Adrian,
Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us. I can't wait to use your site eventhough I will only be able to make baby steps!
Thanks again
What an amazing workshop thank you.
i will be on the librarians blog tonight. Thanks
Do you sleep?
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